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ABC Action News: Food banks across the country come to Tampa to learn about being disaster ready

ABC Action News: Food banks across the country come to Tampa to learn about being disaster ready

By: Erik Waxler | ABC Action News
June 6, 2019

Two years ago when Hurricane Irma came through, Feeding Tampa Bay’s warehouse lost power for a week.

“We still moved on the order of 25,000-30,000 meals a day into the community,” said CEO Thomas Mantz.

Being disaster ready is the kind of thing food banks from around the country are learning in Tampa Thursday.

Tampa is hosting a conference for others in the Feed America network.

“We are all talking about the need, what type of food you need on the end; What type of distribution mechanisms can you use; and what kind of partnerships can you develop,” said Feeding Florida Executive Director Robin Safley.

Feeding Tampa Bay covers our area. They say they help 650,000 people every day, but when a hurricane hits, they serve many more.

Feeding Tampa Bay says the best way to find out where you can get food and supplies during a storm is going to its website or using the mobile app that even has a food access map right on it. The app is called Byte to Bite.

“This really helps us make sure that we are telling that story and connecting our resources with folks that are in need,” said Mantz.

This conference is also solidifying plans so that if we are in need, others from outside Florida will be here to help.

And Florida will do the same for them.

To Read More: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/food-banks-across-the-country-come-to-tampa-to-learn-about-being-disaster-ready

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