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And Now U KNow: Wish Farms and Feeding America® Celebrate Successful “Superhero Summer” Campaign

And Now U KNow: Wish Farms and Feeding America® Celebrate Successful “Superhero Summer” Campaign

PLANT CITY, FL - We all could use a little light and wholesomeness in our lives, and Wish Farms provides just that. Over the summer, Wish Farms partnered up with Feeding America® to generate some awareness and give back to the community through a social media campaign that unveiled the everyday heroes.

“The ‘Superhero Summer’ campaign was a great success on many levels. We reached a nationwide audience of over 1.1 million, with over 2.1 million impressions on Instagram. These results are even sweeter knowing that the campaign directly supports Feeding America’s mission to end hunger,” said Wish Farms’ Marketing Coordinator Hailey Clark.

For each Instagram engagement (like, tag, and follow) on the campaign posts, Wish Farms donated one meal to help families in need. According to the press release, $1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America on behalf of local member food banks.

“The efforts of our Instagram community have led to 50,000 meals donated to our local food bank,” said Clark.

Wish Farms volunteers grinning from ear-to-ear at a Feeding America event

Wish Farms volunteers grinning from ear-to-ear at a Feeding America event

From June 12th through August 12th, viewers and supporters saw posts and GIFs of Wish Farms’ growers (and a super pupper) in a variety of comedic superhero poses following the slogan: “Farmers: Real-Life Superheroes. Saving the World by Feeding the World.” In an effort to reach a wider audience, Wish Farms teamed up with Isabel Reis Laessig of Sunday Supper.

“We carefully chose twenty-five influencers in the lifestyle, food, parenting, and health and wellness segments. You could feel their enthusiasm in every fun and creative post,” commented Laessig. “They engineered an incredible amount of excitement with their Instagram audiences by giving back and doing good in our world. Their audiences loved being a part of the success of the campaign.”

But the efforts don’t stop there; Wish Farms is continuing to fight hunger by donating one meal to Feeding America for each Berry Lover email signup on its website. More insight into the campaign can be found here. For more inspirational achievements in the industry, keep reading AndNowUKnow.

Read the article here: https://www.andnowuknow.com/whats-store/wish-farms-and-feeding-america-celebrate-successful-superhero-summer-campaign-Hailey-Clark-Isabel-Reis-Laessig/lilian-diep/64482

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