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The Packer: Wish Farms and Feeding America celebrate successful campaign

The Packer: Wish Farms and Feeding America celebrate successful campaign

Plant City, Fla.- based Wish Farms is celebrating a successful “Superhero Summer” Instagram campaign in partner with Feeding America.

For every like, tag and follow on campaign posts, Wish Farms donated one meal to help families in need, according to a news release.

“The efforts of our Instagram community have led to 50,000 meals donated to our local foodbank,” Hailey Clark, marketing coordinator for Wish Farms, said in the release.

The posts ran from June 12 to Aug. 12. Wish Farms recognized their growers with the slogan “Farmers: Real-Life Superheroes. Saving the World by Feeding the World.”
“We reached a nationwide audience of over 1.1 million, with over 2.1 million impressions on Instagram,” Clark said. “These results are even sweeter knowing that the campaign directly supports Feeding America’s mission to end hunger.”

To reach a wider audience, Wish Farms teamed up with Sunday Supper to involve influencers in the lifestyle, food, parenting and health and wellness segments, said Isabel Reis Laessig of Sunday Supper.

To continue to fight hunger, Wish Farms will donate one meal to Feeding America for each Berry Lover e-mail signup on their website, according to the release.

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