Feeding Florida | Florida's Food Bank Network

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Why Is Feeding Florida Different?

Why Is Feeding Florida Different?

The Feeding Florida network is unlike any other hunger organization in the state. With 12 network member food banks and over 2,400 partner agencies, we are the only network that serves all 67 Florida counties year-round. Our unique partnerships, facilities, resources, and solutions help us combat food insecurity in a way that helps shorten the line and provide long-term health and wellness to our food bank families. 


Meal Deficit Metric 

Feeding Florida enlisted Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group to conduct research that pinpoints hunger at a hyperlocal level. Pre-existing research only allowed us to look at hunger stats based on zip code, leading to missing meals. Now, Feeding Florida can help target hunger needs more effectively by breaking up counties and zip codes into smaller block groups, and identifying the specific needs of residents there. This allows our network to better understand the needs of hungry Floridians across all 67 counties.


Healthcare Partners 

Food is pivotal to nutrition and health, which is why we partner with several organizations that connect our food bank recipients with healthcare access and resources they might not have otherwise. Thanks to our healthcare partners, we are able to fund our FoodRx programs and Mobile Farmacy, bringing health and wellness to the communities we serve. 


Workforce Development 

We believe that hunger is a symptom of an under resourced household, which is why our food banks offer workforce training opportunities. Access to food is essential for wellbeing, but the financial security that comes with employment helps keep our food banks families on their feet long-term. Our food banks’ workforce development programs, like culinary training kitchens and truck driving certification programs, offer Floridians job security and a chance to learn a new skill. 


Fresh Access Bucks 

Fresh Access Bucks (FAB) is a USDA-funded statewide nutrition incentive program that increases the purchasing power of SNAP recipients to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets, produce stands, CSAs, mobile markets, and community grocery outlets.  FAB’s approach to addressing food access, affordability, and nutrition education aims to work with the entire food system: from producer to consumer to build healthy, resilient communities supported by robust local food systems. By offering our Feeding Florida families Fresh Access Bucks, we are increasing their food access while also encouraging them with to make healthy choices for their families, thus instilling confidence. 


Farmers Feeding Florida 

33% of all food we distribute is fresh fruits and vegetables. This is partially thanks to our partnerships with local farmers and growers who are part of our Farmers Feeding Florida program. This produce recovery initiative works in partnership with farmers and packers throughout the state to rescue and distribute wholesome and cosmetically blemished produce that can help to ease this burden. The initiative offsets out-of-pocket costs for packing materials to enable them to scale up donations to multiple truckload quantities.  


Innovative Solutions 

Our mission is to feed hungry Floridians across all 67 counties, which means our network must have the bandwidth and tools necessary to reach everyone, not just those who visit our food banks. Thanks to our innovative solutions like mobile pantries, corner markets, and meal delivery programs, we can put food on the tables of individuals everywhere, even those who lack access to transportation. 

Most Recent News:

Insights from the Frontlines: Perspectives on Food Procurement

In the battle against food insecurity, the Feeding Florida food bank staff working in food procurement play a critical role. From handling perishable items to forging partnerships with local businesses and farmers, every aspect of the food banks’ procurement process is vital in ensuring that communities have access to nutritious food. In this blog post, we'll hear from some of our food bank procurement teams as they share their perspectives on food sourcing.

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Ensuring Safe Food Distribution

The focus on food safety is one of the key things that makes Feeding America food banks unique- and why it’s ingrained into the very fiber of how our food banks operate. With a firm commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, our food banks follow stringent requirements, thorough training, and ongoing support for our food bank teams and partners.

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The Levy Citizen- Neighbors Feeding Neighbors

Feeding Florida, Feeding Northeast Florida, and Bread of the Mighty celebrated the culmination of a major project to source local Florida beef for those who need it most. A large-scale food distribution event at Chiefland Methodist Church featured not only fresh produce and shelf-stable goods, but also locally-sourced beef that came directly from Chiefland-based cattle ranch and Farmers Feeding Florida partner, Quincey Cattle Company.

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